Hispano Suiza

Hispano Suiza relaunches its brand through Carmen, a hyper-luxury electric car entirely controlled through a smartphone with World Wide Mobility technology.

The Customer

Hispano Suiza, Spanish automotive-engineering company founded in 1904, returns to the motor industry after more than 20 years with its new electric hyper-luxury car called Carmen, valued at over 1.5 million euros, with more than 1.100 CV and two electric motors. This supercar is a pioneer in the new hyperlux electric vehicle segment.

The Challenge

Hispano Suiza aimed to reestablish its brand by introducing the world's premier hyper-luxury car, offering complete control of the vehicle through a smartphone.

The Solution

  • Ad-hoc Technology: Keyless Fleet
  • Ad-hoc design and development of the app.
  • Hardware

The Benefits

Carmen owners can control every aspect of the car, such as locking and unlocking, regulating the temperature, the lights, the power and the speed all from their smartphones. It was the first hyper luxury electric car without a physical key. Everything can be controlled from one single app.

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