Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

A single ecosystem that integrates all sustainable mobility providers of your city (Public transport, Bike-Sharing, Scooter-Sharing, Moto-Sharing, Car-Sharing or Ride Hailing) so people can compare and book in real time from one single app.

Companies that trust us

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Public transport, bikes, scooters, motosharing, carsharing, taxis, or walking?

It's the first time in history that there are so many options to get from one place to another. Our Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform integrates all mobility services into a single app. Users can compare and choose, in real time, the fastest, cheapest, or most sustainable option to move around the city.

maas app screenshots

All mobility providers and servicies in a single MaaS platform

A unified ecosystem that integrates all the city's mobility providers and services: Public transport, taxi services, carsharing, motosharing, bikes, scooters, car rentals, subscriptions, charging stations, parking, and much more.

maas app screenshots

Find the best option to move around the city.

Compare and request all mobility services in real-time from a single app. Discover the nearest car, motorcycle, scooter, or bike, when the next bus/metro is arriving, the cheapest, fastest, or most sustainable option to reach your destination, or where to pick up and drop off the bike at a station.

Want to see our MaaS software in action?

Discover how our software can help you create and launch your own MaaS mobility platform in record time by integrating all public and private transportation services in your city.

The most sustainable option for moving around

Our MaaS solution provides the user with a calculation of the carbon footprint for each mobility provider. This aims to encourage the use of sustainable mobility services and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.

White label MaaS Solution

Building upon the technology of Chipi App, Europe's largest mobility ecosystem, we have crafted our white-label MaaS solution. This allows us to develop a personalized ecosystem under your brand, seamlessly integrating all mobility services available in your city.

MaaS Solution for Companies (B2B)

A comprehensive mobility super app that not only integrates all the city's mobility services and operators but also allows businesses to allocate monthly mobility budgets based on employee level. With this platform, companies will reduce their carbon footprint by promoting the use of sustainable mobility services selected by the company. In addition, administrative tasks are simplified with a single consolidated invoice at the end of the month, and the management of mobility expenses is centralized.

Find the fastest, most affordable, and most sustainable option to move around the city.

A single ecosystem that integrates all mobility services:

car rental service per minutes/hours in specific areas.
Moto sharing,
motorcycle rental service per minutes in specific areas.
Scooter sharing,
scooter rental service per minutes in specific areas.
Bike sharing,
bike rental service per the minute in specific areas or stations.
Public transport,
shared mobility service, such as buses, trains, and subways.
Ride-hailing services,
shared mobility service, such as buses, trains, and subways.
Vehicle station based,
car rental service per minutes/hours with pickup and return at the same station.
Parking lots,
designated and managed spaces for safe vehicle parking.
Charging stations,
recharging points for electric vehicles.
Vehicle subscription,
a monthly rental service covering maintenance and insurance costs without vehicle ownership.
vehicle rental service per days or weeks.
a service that allows users to test a vehicle before buying it.

World Wide Mobility is the chosen solution by industry leaders in the mobility sector.

+500.000Managed users
+7.000Managed Vehicles
+3MManaged Bookings
Success iconSuccess case

Mobility as a service platform

success case
Best Mobility Technology Application by the Ayuntamiento de Madrid in 2018.
+ 150

Integrated Mobility Providers

+ 70M

Searches Worldwide

+ 15

Cities in Europe and America

View use case

Our clients, their experience

  • “The integration of our carsharing service, Voltio by Mutua, into the MaaS platform Chipi App has been a key strategy that has significantly boosted our growth and success in the Spanish market. This partnership has expanded our market presence, enhanced the user experience, and proven to be essential in attracting new customers who were already users of other sustainable mobility services in the city”

    Marketing Manager Voltio by Mutua

Let’s work together!

Contact our team and learn how your mobility service can succeed with us.