
Flexible subscription to a vehicle for months or years

100% digital and flexible

Allow clients to choose and subscribe to the vehicle they want by completing a 100% digital process with the possibility to personalize and change vehicles according to their needs.

Web, app & Backoffice

Our software and our backoffice will allow you to automate your service. The user can choose, subscribe and pay from their smartphone and managers will be able to track and manage all vehicles in real time from a single platform.

Grow and diversify your business

Amortize your immobilized vehicles and increase revenue with a subscription business through an agile and simple subscription management software.

Otros casos de éxito

Suscríbete o alquila un Hyundai por días o meses en menos de 2 minutos.

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Alquiler de vehículos por horas o días, B2B o B2C.

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Suscripción flexible de vehículos Toyota de 1 a 12 meses.

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Alquila un coche por horas o días sin pasar por el mostrador.

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El mayor ecosistema de movilidad en Europa que integra a más de 150 proveedores de movilidad.

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El car-sharing 100% eléctrico más grande de España.

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