IBEL by San Sebastián City Council

The City Council of San Sebastian wanted to allow their citizens to rent electric vehicles on demand and create their own mobility ecosystem.

El Cliente

San Sebastian City Council impulses sustainability as their main milestone for the transformation of the city in their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

El Reto

San Sebastian City council wanted to develop an electric vehicle rental service on demand to offer an alternative that can cover mobility needs in a sustainable way.

La Solución

Through our station based sharing solution, IBEL by San Sebastian City Council, puts carsharing service at the disposal of their citizens to optimize sustainable mobility through the app.

Los Beneficios

IBEL can manage every aspect of the service through our backoffice and citizens of San Sebastian can locate, book, pay, open and close the vehicle of their choice through a single app, and pay only for what they've used.

Otros casos de éxito

Suscríbete o alquila un Hyundai por días o meses en menos de 2 minutos.

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Alquiler de vehículos por horas o días, B2B o B2C.

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Suscripción flexible de vehículos Toyota de 1 a 12 meses.

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Alquila un coche por horas o días sin pasar por el mostrador.

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El mayor ecosistema de movilidad en Europa que integra a más de 150 proveedores de movilidad.

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El car-sharing 100% eléctrico más grande de España.

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